Full-Time Bird Removal Technician FAQs

What species do BRTs typically capture?

The species we most commonly capture are English house sparrows, European starlings, and rock pigeons. However, our BRTs routinely capture a wide variety of native species to include songbirds and occasional raptors.

How far does a BRT normally drive to each job?

Average driving distances vary by region. BRTs located near large metropolitan areas in the New England states tend to have shorter driving distances, whereas BRTs in the Midwest and western states tend to have longer driving distances.

Are there opportunities to travel?

Yes! We have many travel opportunities. We encourage all BRTs to acquire the necessary licenses that will allow them to provide service in states that don’t necessarily fall within the standard radius. More experience lends way to increased opportunities for travel as we expand our operational footprint.

Are BRTs reimbursed for fuel?

BRTs are reimbursed 35 cents per mile. This includes the drives both to and from the BRT’s residence and the job site.

What is required to be promoted to the next BRT level?

There are several levels of Bird Removal Technicians. Promotions are primarily based on experience. Most Trainees achieve the highest level of BRT in about a year, however, this is dependent on the BRT’s availability and location.

What do BRTs do when they are not assigned jobs?

On any day in which a BRT is scheduled as available without having received a job assignment, he or she is still on standby until 2 pm for a potential same-day dispatch. Once 2 pm rolls around without a same-day dispatch, the BRT is free to go about their day however they choose unless assigned other off-the-job tasks.

What is included in the uniform?

Meridian provides two uniform polos and a hat. Employees supply their own khaki-colored pants, closed toe shoes, and neutral colored undershirt if one is desired. While on the job site, employees remove all facial piercings and cover all tattoos.